Welcome!It is our prayer that you will find hope, comfort, peace, and a sense of God's love and presence as you consider the various ministries of Living Hope Bible Church. The very core of who we are as a church family is our love for Jesus and for each other. It is our desire that all whose paths we cross will sense that love in some way. Please do not hesitate to call us for prayer, for other needs of your life, or if you just need to hear some words of hope and encouragement from the Word of our Living God.
What to Expect When You Visit
Prayer & WorshipWe seek the heart of our heavenly Father and passionately pursue His presence through worship during each service. Our 8:00a.m. service is our traditional service, where we utilize traditional hymns to help us enter into worship. Our 10:00a.m. service is our contemporary service with our praise band leading us in worship. You can expect young & energetic music with 'refreshed' hymns.
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TeachingsWe want to simplify your busy life with Christ, and we want to help you live a life that is truly living, only possible through the power of Jesus and God's daily presence. Our prayer is that you will experience life transformation through relevant teaching.
Read What We Believe > Watch Previous Sermons > |
LHBC FamilyWe want you to have access to passionate worship, teaching, & friendly connection all right here on Sunday morning. At LHBC, you can find community for every family member.
Kids (Birth-6th Grade) > Students (7th-12th Grade) > Adults > |